Thank you for the year 2020!
2020 has been a different year for all of us. Despite the challenging times, we have succeeded in developing great AI-powered solutions with our customers and partners.
Headai’s focus has been on building the Skills Data Platform together with our network. We want to break data silos and connect skills data to build growth for all the ecosystem actors. By turning skills data into action, we enable futureproofing skill assets for everyone.
Big thanks to all of you who have been part of the skills data story this year! We believe there are inspiring chapters for the coming years with a strong ecosystem collaboration.
Headai enables interoperable data flows in skillsdata ecosystem
This year Headai worked intensively in building a human centric skills data space. The work started in MyData Accelerator for Work & Skills and results and findings were wrapped into a whitepaper that summarises the learnings and the potential identified in the accelerator. Read more at our news article.
Skillsdata ecosystem work continues at the Mydata thematic group that unites already more than 30 organisations from 5 countries to make the human-centric skills data space happen. Join the ecosystem at!
Headai technology navigates customers toward UN Sustainable Development Goals
Headai makes it possible to take AI-powered scorecards to help sustainable development. SDGs has been on our science focus and this year we took the goals' data into action. Our customers have used Headai tech to model how their processes fit the UN SDGs. One example is Finest Bay Area Development – creating gravity and economic growth to the Finest Bay Area region. “Knowing the performance against the goals is crucially important to be able to improve and be transparent in all project operations.” Read the press release from Finest Bay Area Development (FEBAY). Read more about Headai SDG model at Headai news article.Follow HeadaiJoin our newsletter and download the latest whitepaper