Headai has come a long way together with Metropolitan Universities of Applied Sciences in building skills-data-driven solutions to help students and educational planning. CareerBot is an artificial intelligence powered platform that helps students with their journey towards their dream career. It enables students to take a skills-driven approach in finding their personal studying paths, and ultimately, to optimize their job market fit. CareerBot is an ongoing collaboration between 3AMK and Headai and its mission is to give AI-powered guidance to the choices students make for their future.
The initial model was based around Headai’s earlier Microcompetencies and has undergone several iterations. It has now evolved into a much more diverse tool, utilising a number of Headai’s solutions (Snapshots, Scorecards, Compass and Signals).
"CareerBot is a good example of how Headai AI services can provide modern solutions in a variety of industrial sectors, particularly in the education sector. As a CareerBot developer, we are receiving very good feedback and I am glad that other education institutions are showing their interest in joining CareerBot.”– Hussain Ahmed (Software Developer, Headai)
CareerBot helps students to:
Verbalize their skills and competencies into a skills profile
Find their dream jobs with their skills profiles
Find courses for the skills they are missing
Visualize their skills profiles into semantic maps
Explore for thesis trends and search for related theses to inspire their thesis topics or written assignments
CareerBot reveals trends in the keywords of already done theses. Students receive valuable information to plan their own theses.
“With the help of CareerBot, students get valuable insights into professional expectations in their field. Student is able to mirror their own competencies to what is needed in the market. In turn, this allows the student to identify and to better understand what kinds of competencies they are lacking and what they should acquire in their time as a student. Therefore, CareerBot also gives support to the student’s future studies.”– Sanna Penttinen, Laurea Career Services
CareerBot lets students to compare their skills with local jobs' skill requirements. 3AMK – Metropolitan Universities of Applied SciencesHigher EducationAI-powered platform for students How to find optimal studying path toward high job market fitSkills-driven approach in guiding personal studying pathsData-driven support for students's skills planning
3 AMK – Metropolitan Universities of Applied Sciences
3AMK is an alliance between the three largest universities of applied sciences’ Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. It offers different kinds of courses made in co-operation to all the students in the 3AMK universities.
About Headai Headai is a Finnish technology company developing a cognitive AI engine powering economic growth. We help organizations succeed in a rapidly changing future by helping them find answers in large amounts of data that they can't otherwise see. Our algorithms enable seeing the big picture in scattered data by revealing unknown connections and even explaining why they exist. Our technology is 100% Headai IP, based on over 20 years of experience in the cognitive and computational sciences. Follow HeadaiJoin our newsletter